Bryan P., 2025
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a professional presentation... I have experienced you and your staff to be very approachable, knowledgeable, and patient. I am grateful to have intersected my therapist journey with you and your group!"
Joanna K., 2024
"Energizing" & "Engaging"
"This training was energizing and I really appreciated the way it was delivered with opportunities to practice the skills at the end of the day. Very engaging, and loved the examples you used to bring the theory to life."
Monica T., 2024
"My work has transformed with EMDR."
Tom T., 2024
"Confident in applying [EMDR] techniques"
"Stacy was an integral part of my extensive training in EMDR. She skillfully guided me through the complexities of EMDR ensuring that I not only understood the theoretical foundations but also felt confident in applying the techniques in clinical practice."
Keri N., 2023
"Powerful and life changing"
"When I signed up I wasn’t sure what to expect but this is such a joy to attend. You and the facilitators are amazing. This is the most powerful and life changing therapy training I have had. Honestly can’t say any other training is comparable."
Teresa J., 2023
"The best training I've ever had!"
"You are an amazing facilitator/teacher. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge, your skills, and your passion. This (and it’s not even half way through) has been an amazing experience that will help heal so many people through all of us! This is the best training I've ever had!"
J.S., 2023
"Exactly what I needed"
"I'm learning a ton, and this is exactly what I needed to build on my [training]. I'll be putting EMDR to use almost every day this coming week!"Â
S.K., 2023
"Excellent training!"
"Thank you so much for the excellent training! Part one was amazing! I appreciate the way you deliver the training and provide so many resources."
B.P., 2022
"Fantastic Training"
"Thank you so much for such fantastic training. I really felt like you were able to meet the whole group where we are, which is no small feat with so many folks all together from different backgrounds! I also really loved the consultation time, and will definitely be looking into the post training consults going forward. Both Gina and Nina were so helpful, and so relaxed about it all."
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